Julianna Muthu, is a weaver of magic, a dancer with Divine Alchemy. She is rooted in shamanic traditions and the feminine mysteries as an ordained Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School (TM) and The Emerald Temple. She loves the natural world, seen and unseen, and lives to reveal the eternal light that resides within each of us.

I have long been dedicated to joyfully supporting All on the path of awareness. I have been feeling the Call. We, women are being invited to Rise, from a deeply rooted place so that that which we are, emerges, hand in hand, in sacred ceremony. This is not a workshop, it is a time of communion. I feel us in circle calling ourselves forth.

Women Rise

You are invited to participate in a sacred circle of women,
in ceremony,
consciously creating a resonant field of energy,
serving an evolutionary process
opening ourselves to the mystery, the inner space
of embodiment,
inviting our strength and joy to arise
or to simply acknowledge that which is to be unveiled
from emptiness to form….

March 10th from 10-6pm, Vashon Island
(shared meal 4-6pm )

Entering the Sacred, we know Not what lies ahead,
we allow the mystery to reveal itself,
It is a gift, listening to the inner voice,
calling forth beauty, laughter, depth, creativity, and communion.

The senses will be engaged with holy oils, movement. breath, sound, connection with self and other. A full breath session is included.

Lovely ladies, this is a day to celebrate who you are, as you are, Now!

As your guides journeying with you stay tuned for what to bring, and how to prepare for your day of discovery and play.

We will share a meal after the ceremony, please bring a potluck dish of your choosing.

Space is limited, please register early.

Weaving in harmony with timelessness, the day will include a snack of tea sandwiches, tea’s and other light snacks.

Please bring a journal, color pencils, dress comfortably and in something that makes you feel feminine, we will embibe with Gaia’s energy (burgundy) so dressing in that color will support you. You are also invited to keep an open flexible schedule as in the mystery, end times while honored are fluid.

This day is an invitation for self celebration, we encourage you to consider staying overnight on the island.

We will be enjoying a luxurious studio space of Tesoro Luz on Vashon Island. Check the link, the studio is at the end of video.


In deep joy,
Tracey and Julianna

To Register

Cost is $133

Click here to pay online via PayPal

Or send a check to:
Tracey Stover
2940 76th Ave, #B402
Mercer Island, WA 98040

call Tracey at 206-769-0040
or email tracey@breahtingmandala.com